The position of DFF is currently a full-time position requiring an average of 40hrs/week. Working with the pastor and other staff members, the person in this position has two major areas of responsibility, with specific requirements relevant to each. These are: Adult Faith Formation (AFF) & Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) currently consisting of: FEP (Sunday School), sacramental preparation for Baptism/First Reconciliation/First Eucharist and Confirmation. Included in each of these areas are the standard requirements necessary for successfully executing these ministries, namely: planning the events and programs with staff and committee heads, finding the necessary volunteers to assist with the functioning of those same events and programs, and follow-up with volunteers when appropriate and/or necessary.
The specific requirements of AFF and CFF are listed in no particular order below:
· AFFT (Adult Faith Formation Team) Activities
· RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
· CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish)
· Volunteer Child Safety Protocol Training Liaison
· Catechist Training & FIRE certification
· Protecting God's Children Program Liaison
· Marriage Preparation (Intake Forms and Catechism Section)
· Adult Confirmation
· Confirmation Preparation; Bi-annual Retreat
· Recruit/replace and maintain volunteer teachers for FEP
· Advertise and register children for the FEP program
· Plan and execute annual Baptism/First Reconciliation/First Eucharist workshops, retreats and rites with Pastor
· Order and maintain relevant catechetical materials
· Be present to substitute if necessary or to assist teachers with specific needs
Other requirements of the position include:
Attending relevant diocesan meetings and workshops; networking with diocesan offices
Staff Liaison to Parish Library, Nursery Ministry and Youth Group
Office Time
· Answering business related emails
· Answering phone calls
· Individual Meetings with staff members when necessary
· Staff meetings
· Assisting with necessary setup/take-down for parish sponsored events (see below)
· Bulletin/Website/Facebook communications with parish community
· Prepare an annual budget and administer expenditures of approved items
Parish Sponsored Events
· Ministry Fair
· St. Francis Feast/Oktoberfest
· Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
· Fish Fry
· Homecoming
· Family Weekend
Qualifications: Master Degree in relevant areas is preferred but not required. Two-five years of relevant experience in Religious Education is preferred but not required.
Application Instructions: Please send resume, references, letters of recommendation, and other relevant employment to [email protected].