Newman Center Internship Program
Newman Center Interns at Ball State are undergraduate students constituting and representing the core identity of the Newman Center.
They are the face of the local student community, working to provide a welcoming home for students to encounter and know Jesus Christ.
This work can only be accomplished if the interns first encounter Jesus Christ themselves, and are continually formed in personal holiness through prayer, mentorship, and service to the local Church. Being a Newman Center Intern is a profoundly important privilege and responsibility.
Interns will work together to foster community within their own home, and then spread it to the Newman community as a whole. They will be a significant positive presence at Cardinal Catholic events, and assist with leading, planning, and executing social and formative gatherings. They will work directly under the direction of the Campus Minister and other staff members as necessary.
While ultimately continuing to fulfill their primary vocation to holiness, interns will have important responsibilities where accountability is expected. However, interns will have the support of the staff, and the joy and privilege of working for the betterment of their fellow students.
Application Process
Applications are now open for the 2023-2024 academic year.
(rerturn them to the Newman Center or via Email: [email protected])
Download Application Here
Interns must have a strong desire to grow in community life and prayer, as well as a willingness to place the internship and service to the Muncie Catholic Pastorate and Cardinal Catholic as a top priority for the whole of the year. Students entering their Sophomore, Junior or Senior year will be given priority, but exceptions may be made for incoming freshmen.
Community Living and Housing
Interns will live in community in the cottage house adjacent to the Newman Center. Interns will pray together, work together, do chores together, have fun together, and serve Christ and His Church together. Community living is a rich source of formation for each intern's vocational calling. The small program fee at the beginning of each semester includes all the rent for the year.
Prayer and the Sacraments
Prayer is absolutely essential within ministry and formation. Over the course of the year, each intern will learn to pray, and to have deep communion with the Lord, because ministry is impossible without prayer. See John 15:5.
Interns will spend time in prayer together Sunday through Thursday, with personal prayer still expected on Fridays and Saturdays. Interns will also be asked to attend daily mass at least 2-3 times per week. With the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of our Catholic faith, its role is essential within the life of a student striving for holiness.
Interns will receive weekly one-on-one discipleship formation and mentorship from the campus minister, a FOCUS missionary, or a qualified mentor. This is a schedule of teachings that forms the intern into a mature follower of Jesus Christ.
Each intern will develop a schedule prioritizing: prayer, study, physical health, work, and fellowship. The interns will also meet together once/month with the Campus Minister to foster relationships, check-in as a household, and address any challenges as needed.
Interns will be a positive presence at the Newman Center. A large part of this presence is welcoming and bringing other students into Cardinal Catholic, and walking with them on their spiritual journey. Interns will be expected to be present at Sunday Supper, Wednesday night adoration, and other events held throughout the week.
Interns will work up to 5 hours of administrative work for the Muncie Catholic Pastorate. This may include desk hours, administrative work, or working with a pastorate employee within a particular interest, including but not limited to business administration, RCIA, music ministry, and religious education formation.